Fifty TF Story Starters

Note: This article is open to revision.

I always ask people if they have any requests to make for future stories that I would write. Many requests, however, are not very substantive. "Make up some story about a weretiger, I don't know what it's about." That kind of thing.
Well, for all the requests that have given me something to work with, I'm gonna return the favor with a bunch of story starters that TF writers may consider for their next big piece of writing. So, without further interruption, let's begin!

Note: These are basically my ideas, so any semblance to any storyline on the Internet found in these storylines is purely coincidental. Honest! Oh, and if you do use one of these for one of your stories, please email me so I can put a link to that story on this page.

So This Is Your First TF Story
Love and Romance Under a Full Moon
There Were Shapeshifters Back Then
And There Will Be Shapeshifters In The Future
So You Really Enjoyed "Like An Animal"
When You Really HAVE TO Write For RUCT
(all due respect to Jaggs, he really seems like a nice guy) (I'm really sorry, that was painful for me, I'll never do that again, I SWEAR to you)
"Non-Stop Yiffing From Start To Finish!" (hyperbole, yes)
Storylines That I Promise Will Take 10,000+ Words To Finish
It's Good To Be Human
When You Have A Compelling Need To Mention The TSA
(or "Everyone Does It, Why Shouldn't You?") (I'm gonna stop right here because this, too, is painful)
Because You Like Sexy Women In Fur

Please direct all comments to Direwolf. Please tell him what you think!
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