
Steam came pouring out of the bathroom doorway as it opened. Sara felt like taking a hot shower and going to bed at such an early hour. The school day was strenuous and stressful at all times of the morning and afternoon. Her senses were shot and she needed a good, long sleep.
Sara entered the bedroom as she brushed her long yellow hair with a comb. She closed her bedroom door and unraveled her towel, exposing her tall, slender figure.
Suddenly, she felt a strange feeling. At that moment, she was unbelievably hungry. She gripped her stomach as her stomach growled violently. She had eaten a big dinner before she took a shower and could not imagine why she had the urge to consume more food. Weighing the urges between sleeping and eating, she decided that she needed the sleep more. Some stomach cramp may be confused for hunger, but fatigue cannot be mistaken.
Sara opened her dresser drawer and took out a pair of night clothes. She slipped on a pair of panties, not noticing that her pubic hair was lengthening and tangling. When she put them on, Sara let out a great big yawn, oblivious to the slight animal sounds that her throat was producing, and not seeing orange-colored hairs at the back of her hand as she covered her mouth. When she yawned, the light reflected off her growing and sharpening teeth. She put on her large t-shirt, which was two or three sizes larger than what she really needed. The soft t-shirt brushed against the growing fur that was developing on her back. The fur was alternating between black and orange as it continued to spread across her chest, hiding under the shirt that Sara put on.
By this time, Sara was burning up. She felt like she had a fever and wondered whether she would put on a pair of shorts that she would normally wear at night, or simply just wear what she had on, hoping a draft of cold air would cool her down. But she put on her shorts anyways, thinking that it would be loose enough to let air in. She wanted to pull it up higher than normal, but a tail of orange and black stripes prevented her from hiking her shorts up any more. She wondered why, but pushed the thought aside.
Sara brushed her hair again with the comb. She tried to reason why her hair was so long, growing longer still. But the growth, like the other things, went unnoticed. She sat down at her desk, and she almost could not push in because she was growing in mass, fur covering almost her entire body and muscles becoming larger giving her an strength that also went unchecked. She had no mirror, but could still take off her contact lenses one by one from her eyes, which were turning yellow and did not need lenses since her vision was unusally improving. She put vanishing cream on her cheeks, which had developed bristles of fur that were noticeable to the touch. But since Sara was so tired and her senses not as sharp as they regularly could be, she could not take notice. She put more vanishing cream on her nose, which felt moist as it turned itself into a muzzle.
The hunger was growing and starting to burn away at Sara's stomach, which had digested all of the food that Sara had eaten to support this undetected transformation. She gripped her stomach once again, digging into her t-shirt and leaving claw marks in the clothing. Her t-shirt, for one thing, had become so tight and could not contain her growing mass.
All this time, she did not stop and wonder what was happening to her. She slipped under the bedcovers, not noticing what she was turning into. Her t-shirt was about to burst, and Sara gasped for air as her clothing confined her body. But she went to sleep all the same, peacefully and quickly.
She was still changing. Her tail was at its full length. Thick, beautiful orange and black stripes of fur covered her body. Her face changed, from the face of a human to something...something more animal-like. Her fingers grew shorter but thicker, developing more rough pads on the tips. Sara's clothing finally ripped, revealing below the shredded nightgown a chest full of thick fur and noticeably developed breasts. In her deep sleep, she pawed at the air above her as if she were a cat...or a tiger.
The animal now took over Sara's mind as she woke up with ever-increasing hunger and animal instinct. The tiger stood six feet tall as she got out of bed. There was no trace of human thought as she examined her surroundings. For no reason, the tiger knocked over the lamp on the nightstand with her left arm. She got onto all fours and left the room, searching ravenously for food.