This is Werefiction

Say you wake up suddenly one night, finding that you are sitting up on your bed with sweat all over your forehead. You're tugging at a dream that is quickly escaping your mind, knowing only that is about animals and a forest and a nighttime sky above you.

Suddenly, you look outside your window. The full moon up above hurts your eyes. You take your hand and block the light from your view, yet the pain still exists. It builds and builds, until at last you wonder what is going wrong. A twinge in your stomach causes you to bend forward. You begin to itch all over.

You do your best not to scream in pain for fear of waking the others in your house, but the pain is unbearable. You fall out of bed and roll around on the carpet, until you are on your back looking up at the ceiling which is turning all sorts of weird shapes and colors. As the moon hits your skin, you take your arm and find hairs sprouting out from underneath the pores. Your last sight before you black out is your shirt ripping and tearing into many pieces, with the same dark hair growing from underneath your cloth.

You are a werewolf.

This is my world, a world of imagination, where animals run free and humans turn wild. Here, a cursed lycanthrope can lose control and become the blood-hungry savage that they dread the most. Or, one can combine their human intellect with animal instinct, a mix that becomes something better. One who is just looking for fun can just use his or her new form and mate with other similar creatures. Don't mind them, though, because I shape this world of werewolves and other werecreatures to suit everyone, humans or otherwise, and if you can't stand that then you don't belong here.

If you like lycanthropy and stories of werewolves transforming under a full moon, or even stories of cursed (or fortunate) humans turning into other kinds of beasts of the wild, then come in. Of course, if you are a lycanthrope who takes on the shape of a wolf or a fox or a tiger or any other animal and want to tell your story, then come in. One thing I won't stand, though, is someone who says he or she is a were but can only mentally shift. If that's the case, then you just don't have enough imagination. And if that's the case, come in anyways, because I've got a better world to show you.

In this site you'll find stories, to be sure, but that's only the start. Here's a list of what Werefiction contains inside its pages:

By all means, stay for the storytelling. I love telling stories if you love to hear them. So come in. This is Werefiction.

- Direwolf Blackfur